An InterActive Algorithm For Asking And Incorporating Feature Feedback into Support Vector Machines
Hema Raghavan, James Allan
Analyzing Feature Trajectories for Event Detection
QI HE, Kuiyu Chang, Ee-Peng Lim
New Event Detection Based on Indexing-tree and Named Entity
Kuo ZHANG, JuanZi LI, Gang WU
Session 12: Learning to Rank I (Wed 09:00-10:30)
Chair: Bruce Croft, Foyer Room
- A Support Vector Method for Optimizing Average Precision
Yisong Yue, Thomas Finley, Filip Radlinski, Thorsten Joachims - Ranking with Multiple Hyperplanes
Tie-Yan Liu, Tao Qin, Wei Lai, Xu-Dong Zhang, De-Sheng Wang, Hang Li - A Regression Framework for Learning Ranking Functions Using Relative Relevance Judgments
Zhaohui Zheng, Hongyuan Zha, Keke Chen, Gordon Sun
Session 16: Learning to Rank II (Wed 14:30-16:30)
Chair: Keith van Rijsbergen, Grand Ballroom
- FRank: A Ranking Method with Fidelity Loss
Ming-Feng Tsai, Tie-Yan Liu, Tao Qin, Hsin-Hsi Chen, Wei-Ying Ma - AdaRank: A Boosting Algorithm for Information Retrieval
Jun Xu, Hang Li - A Combined Component Approach for Finding Collection-Adapted Ranking Functions based on Genetic Programming
Humberto Almeida, Marcos Goncalves, Marco Cristo, Pavel Calado - Feature Selection for Ranking
Tie-Yan Liu, Xiubo Geng, Tao Qin
Active Exploration for Learning Rankings from Clickthrough Data - Filip Radlinski and Thorsten Joachims
Co-clustering based Classification for Out-of-domain Documents - Wenyuan Dai, Gui-Rong Xue, Qiang Yang, and Yong Yu
Enhancing Semi-Supervised Clustering: A Feature Projection Perspective - Wei Tang, Hui Xiong, Shi Zhong, and Jie Wu
Evolutionary Spectral Clustering by Incorporating Temporal Smoothness - Yun Chi, Xiaodan Song, Dengyong Zhou, Koji Hino, and Belle Tseng
Mining Statistically Important Equivalence Classes - Jinyan Li, Guimei Liu, and Limsoon Wong
Model-Shared Subspace Boosting for Multi-label Classification - Rong Yan, Jelena Tesic, and John Smith
Support Feature Machine for Classification of Abnormal Brain Activity - W. Art Chaovalitwongse, Ya-Ju Fan, and Rajesh Sachdeo